Friday, February 26, 2021

filler post

 Here's the schedule because I have nothing else for you.

I don't know exactly when I'm going to film because my plans are last minute and for all i know, I'm going to buy my tickets tomorrow or 2 weeks from now. 

(update: looks like its going to be the fourth week of march)

Thursday, February 25, 2021

another bright idea

time to use a cliche and overused idea because the song is good!!! (also because i can do a montage and i feel like they would be easier to film/edit)

"Can't You Hear Me Knocking" - The Rolling Stones. I could end this post here and most of you would get where I'm going with this. 

i'll just give some references.


The Casino:


The Fighter:

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

list of topics but with bad grammar

back in business!!!

I'm still not entirely sure what I want my short film to be about, honestly, I've been thinking of switching to trailers, can I even do that? it's probably too late. pls Cambridge let me

but if I had to do a short film, here are the potential, million-dollar ideas. (don't steal them)

a) Italian American mafia film where they do Italian American things (filmed in Staten Island, possibly sopranos inspired, I don't want to get copyrighted)
b) a continuation of my film opening last year, maybe I steal another car.. maybe I don't
c) anything that I can fit a doo-wop song, that would be pretty cool I think
d) all of the above

trailer ideas (you can steal these) 

a) also Italian American, possibly sopranos inspired, but. shorter. (pros: I have a cast. cons: none)
b) maybe a coming of age film, those seem to be popular now. mostly just an excuse to use my indie playlist.
c) any song that inspires me and gives me a vision about a film and then I forget to write it down and I forget about it. 

okay bye

Sunday, February 21, 2021

last post for this week gotta flee the country

Another post but I still haven't figured out what I want to do for my project.

Originally when I started this class I wanted to do a similar plot to what my film opening had. an immigrant coming to America, except this time it would contain a relationship between an American and a foreigner and how they bond and communicate despite their language barrier and differences. similar plot to one of my favorite movies, "Brat 2 (2000)" where the main character bonds with an American who picks him up on the side of the road when his car breaks down, sharing their culture with each other throughout their trip to Chicago. 

I'm not entirely sold on that idea but it's something to go back on.

Friday, February 19, 2021

hi im back

So I'm back with a new blog and it's for the a level portfolio project.

i decided to do a short film because of three things 1) it'd be cool to make a short film 2) seemed easier 3) there is no third just the first and second. 

I was considering flying back to NY and remaking the sopranos sequel but it seems like too much work so maybe next year. and I'm not entirely sure what my plot is going to be but I guess you'll guys find out soon enough.